Complex calculus

Complex-valued functions

Defining complex valued functions

We can consider complex valued functions as a type of vector fields.

Line integral of the complex plane

\(\int_C f(r) ds=\lim_{\Delta s rightarrow 0 }\sum_{i=0}^n f(r(t_i))\Delta s_i\)

\(\int_C f(r) ds=\lim_{\Delta s rightarrow 0 }\sum_{i=0}^n f(r(t_i))\dfrac{\delta r(t_i)}{\delta t}\delta r_i\)

\(\int_C f(z) dz=\int_a^b f(r(t_i))\dfrac{\delta r(t_i)}{\delta t}\delta r_i\)

Complex continuous functions

Open regions

Analytic continuation

Analytic functions

Circle of convergence

Complex differentiation

Wirtinger derivatives

Previously we had partial differentiation on the real line. We could use the partial differention operator

We want to find a similar operator for the complex plane.

Line integral of the complex plane

\(\int_C f(r) ds=\lim_{\Delta s rightarrow 0 }\sum_{i=0}^n f(r(t_i))\Delta s_i\)

\(\int_C f(r) ds=\lim_{\Delta s rightarrow 0 }\sum_{i=0}^n f(r(t_i))\dfrac{\delta r(t_i)}{\delta t}\delta r_i\)

\(\int_C f(z) dz=\int_a^b f(r(t_i))\dfrac{\delta r(t_i)}{\delta t}\delta r_i\)

Complex integration

Complex smooth functions

If a function is complex differentiable, it is smooth.

All differentiable complex functions are smooth

All smooth complex functions are analytic


Contour integration

Line integral

Cauchy’s integral theorem

Cauchy’s integral formula

Cauchy-Riemann equations

Consider complex number z=x+iy

A function on this gives:


Take the total differential of :

\(df/dz=\dfrac{\delta f}{\delta z}+\dfrac{\delta f}{\delta x}\dfrac{dx}{dz}+\dfrac{\delta f}{\delta y}\dfrac{dy}{dz}\)

We know that:

  • \(\dfrac{dx}{dz}=1\)

  • \(\dfrac{dy}{dz}=-i\)

We can see from this that

  • \(\dfrac{du}{dx}=\dfrac{dv}{dy}\)

  • \(\dfrac{du}{dy}=-\dfrac{dv}{dx}\)

These are the Cauchy-Riemann equations